Dental Digital Impressions

Dental Digital Impressions for intraoral scanning is a cutting-edge technology that allows a dentist to have a computer-generated virtual image of the oral soft and hard tissues.

The need for a convenient and easy-to-use chairside intraoral scanner has led to the influx of a wide variety of digital equipment on the market. It is becoming increasingly difficult to tell which dental impression device to invest in for your intraoral scanning needs.

Digital impressions for intraoral scanning is a cutting-edge technology in dentistry that now allows a dentist to have a computer-generated virtual image of the oral soft and hard tissues using optical scanning and laser devices. The technology can capture clear impressions in minutes, unlike other traditional impression techniques and equipment that are messy and inconvenient to patients.

With digital impression technology, the patient is more at ease and comfortable. The impression data collected from the patient’s mouth by the scanner is instantly transferred to a computer, where the dentist can create accurate and effective restorations without using stone models.


What to look for in Intraoral Scanning

So, which is the best dental impression device in today’s highly competitive market? First, consider the essential factors you need to look for in an excellent dental dental impressions device.

1. Ease of use

How user-friendly is the device? One of the critical things to consider regarding usage is the size of the wand. A good intraoral scanner should have a reasonably sized wand to allow you to easily capture an image without the inconvenience of asking the patient to open too wide. Today’s systems are user-friendly and have bells and whistles to make a dentist’s work easier.

2. How accurate is the system?

Digital dental impression scanners have better accuracy than traditional impression devices. However, as the manufacturer indicates, checking the scanner’s accuracy is essential. It is important to check if the accuracy of the scan’s length describes the device. For example, check the accuracy of the full-arch scan compared to a 20mm scan.

3. After-sales service and warranty

It is also important to consider service and warranty before you invest in a dental digital impressions scanner. A good company should guarantee one or two years for its product. Some systems come with a warranty of 3 years and above.

The best dental digital impression systems for intraoral scanning

Here are some of the top systems for your intraoral scanning needs:

1. Planmeca Planscan ($4,444.00)

Planmeca Planscan

The Planmeca Planscan is a superfast intraoral scanner with a price tag of just $9,999. It is the first intraoral scanner to be integrated into a dental unit. It provides clear 3D impressions and can easily connect to your laptop.

Planscan provides an efficient workflow and excellent usability. Its key features include powder-free scanning, fast real-time scanning, and infection control thanks to its autoclavable tip. The digital scanner provides a high level of accuracy for single indication and full arch results, supports the Windows operating system, and has an open STL format.

Explore Planmeca PlanScan – the first dental unit integrated intraoral scanner for digital 3D impressions. This high-performance intraoral scanning solution can also be connected to your laptop.

2. 3Shape Trios ($8,500.00)

TRIOS 3 Basic

The 3Shape TRIOS 3 Basic has more advanced technology to help dentists treat their patients faster and more efficiently. Besides taking immediate digital impressions, the 3Shape Trios can take teeth shade measurements and has a high-definition camera.

3Shape TRIOS 3 Basic automatically takes reliable and consistent measures of shades on teeth surfaces and stores the information together with the digital impressions. It takes HD photos as you scan, which makes it easier to check and mark margin lines with better accuracy. With a price tag of $8,500.00, the 3Shape Trios is a multifunctional digital solution capable of creating 3D impressions, measuring teeth color shades, and taking clear intraoral HD photos.

3. CS3500 Intraoral Scanner

The CS3500 intraoral scanner allows dentists to take 2D and 3D digital impressions in actual color. CS3500 can be used as a part of an integrated CS Solution CAD/CAM system or simply as a standalone solution to help you in your dental restoration workflow. It is available for $7,999 and comes with high angulation scanning of 45 degrees. It does not require a trolley system or heat.

Dental digital impression systems for intraoral scanning can significantly boost your business. They provide your patients with a better treatment experience and enhance your workflows.


When choosing an intraoral scanner, most models today are comparable in scanning time and accuracy. All scanners are now open platforms, allowing the export of files like STL, OBJ, and PLY and the ability to upload scans directly to a dental lab of choice.

5/5 (1 Review)

Dr. Santone is passionate about creating beautiful and natural smiles for her patients while providing a relaxed and comfortable dental experience from their first dental visit.

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